The Office of Risk Management is responsible for minimizing the risk of financial loss to the University through the identification and analysis of risk and implementation of loss control programs. Risk Management is committed to protecting the University and will provide resources and online courses to all ISU employees in order to reduce loss exposure.

If you are hosting an event on ISU's campus, have a Certificate of Insurance or a waiver that needs to be reviewed, or have a safety concern, please contact

Damage to University-owned property, auto accidents involving University-owned vehicles, and faculty, staff, student, or non-employee injuries occurring on University-owned property may result in an insurance claim.  Incidents of this kind should be reported promptly to Risk Management for review. Please submit your information here.

If a university employee is injured while performing work duties, please call 24/7 Triage at 1-844-454-1143 and contact the Office of Human Resources.

If an individual has experienced an incident of sexual misconduct, harassment, or discrimination please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX or submit your information here.

If you have additional questions, please contact us.

  • Driver must hold a valid United States Driver's License for a period of no less than two (2) years.
  • Driver must have a clean driving record.
  • Driver must successfully complete the two driver safety courses offered through United Educators (1) Defensive Driving Strategies: Get There Safely and (2) Driver Safety Fundamentals.
  • Driver must review and sign the Vehicle and Driver Safety Guidelines and provide a copy to Risk Management. 
  • Other restrictions may apply.  Please contact extension x7946 with questions.


United Educators' driver safety courses are offered at no charge to faculty, staff, and student workers who need to drive University-owned, leased, or rented vehicles on University business. These courses take approximately one hour to complete and can be taken at your convenience. Instructions to complete the training can be located following the below link.

Please contact the Risk Management and Insurance Manager, Jolyn Osborne if you have any additional questions.